Electrochemical Energy Materials Laboratory
Prof. Won-Hee Ryu
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Sookmyung Women's University
Principal Investigator

류 원 희 (Won-Hee Ryu)
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Sookmyung Women's University
Email: whryu@sookmyung.ac.kr (whryu012@gmail.com)
2007.09 – 2012.02 Ph.D. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST
2006.03 – 2007.08 M.S. in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST
2002.03 – 2006.02 B.S. in Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Yonsei University
2021.03 – Present Associate Professor, Dep. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Sookmyung Women's University
2021.02 – Present Director, Institute of Advanced Materials and Systems, Sookmyung Women's University
2016.03 – 2021.02 Assistant Professor, Dep. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Sookmyung Women's University
2013.11 – 2016.01 Post-Doctoral Associate, Dep. of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Yale University
2012.02 – 2013.09 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dep. of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST
2010.09 – 2011.04 Visiting Researcher, Electrochemical Energy Storage, Argonne National Laboratory
Honors and Awards
Presidential Commendation, Ministry of Science and ICT (2024)
Program Manager (Review Board), National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) (2023-Present)
Associate Editor - Sustainable Materials and Technologies (2023-Present)
Young Editorial Board Member - Journal of Energy Chemistry (2023-2024)
Emerging Investigators - Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2022)
The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS) Park Sumun Award (2022)
Best Education Faculty Award, Sookmyung Women’s University (2021, 2023, 2024)
Top 10 Outstanding Reviewers for Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2017)
The NatureNet Science Fellows (2014-2016)
Korean Government Scholarship (2006-2012)
Brain Korea (BK) Global Research Scholarship (2010-2011)
Honor Scholarship from LG-Philips Display Fellowship (2005)
Honor Scholarship from Department of Engineering, Yonsei University (2003, 2004, 2005)
Honor Student Award (2003, 2005)
Graduate Researchers

김 수 지 (Suji Kim)
Ph.D. Student
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Sookmyung Women's University
Email: sjkim2501@gmail.com

윤 현 주 (Yoon Hyun Ju)
M.S. Student
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Sookmyung Women's University
Email: hyunjuyoon1004@gmail.com

유 윤 정 (Yoon Jeong Yoo)
M.S. Student
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Sookmyung Women's University
Email: smwuyoonj@gmail.com

박 지 은 (Ji Eun Park)
M.S. Student
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Sookmyung Women's University
Email: jieunpark0308@gmail.com

송 민 경 (Min-Gyeong Song)
M.S. Student
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Sookmyung Women's University
Email: mgsong0988@gmail.com

김 혜 인 (Hyein Kim)
M.S. Student
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Sookmyung Women's University
Email: hyeinkim4793@gmail.com

심 현 우 (Hyeonwoo Sim)
M.S. Student
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Sookmyung Women's University
Email: hwsim8507@gmail.com

문 지 윤 (Jiyun Mun)
M.S. Student
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Sookmyung Women's University
Email: jymun0925@gmail.com

이 나 원 (Nawon Lee)

이 준 서 (Jun Seo Lee)
Seoul National University
Email: junseo297@gmail.com

이 재 윤 (Jay Yun Lee)

표 성 지 (Seongji Pyo)
Email: pyoseongji574@gmail.com

김 유 진 (You Jin Kim)
LG Chem
Email: yoojinz1284@gmail.com

김 현 수 (Hyun Soo Kim)
Samsung SDI
Email: khsdaniela@gmail.com

김 가 윤 (Ga Yoon Kim)
Illinois Institute of Technology
Email: kgy9732p@gmail.com

김 보 란 (Bo Ran Kim)
Samsung SDI
Email: kimboran2@gmail.com

노 여 진 (YeoJin Rho)

최 유 정 (Yoo Jung Choi)
Posco Holdings
Email: yjchoi1403@gmail.com

임 예 지 (Ye Ji Lim)
LG Energy solution
Email: yeji99614@gmail.com

전 서 영 (Seo Young Jun)
LG Energy solution
Email: junsy0308@gmail.com

김 희 주 (Huiju Kim)
Samsung SDI
Email: huijukim0228@gmail.com